Thursday, December 2, 2010

Knowledge and Captivity

One of the themes we promote at Gospel Mission is that people need to know God and His Word for themselves. Otherwise, they follow what they think the Word says -- or worse, what other people have told them the Word says -- and they miss out on their chance for a turnaround and a fresh start in their lives.

The theme of "Knowledge" has been working its way into our messages for much of the year. In the Spring, we started getting people at the Mission to take turns reading passages from Jesus' words -- the best way to get to know someone is by hearing what they said. Senior Pastor Barry Babcook last night started a series of Bible study lessons on Jesus' parables -- not just the "story" parables, but the metaphors He uses.

Here's a message that followed Randall's testimony on Sat. Nov. 27, on the topic "Knowledge and Captivity".

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