Saturday, August 29, 2009

The Greenway - and the unintended consequence

For all my rhapsodizing in the previous post about the benefit of the Olympics on this area, there's an unintended consequence to the current work. It's isolated the alley across from us and made it into a congregating point for the drug activity. Police do come through there on foot, but not having motor vehicle access on the west side makes it too easy to escape on foot. We'll have a lot of "catch-up" to play, once the street work is finished and the alley is back open: the longer the work takes, the harder the job will be.

"Paranoia runs deep ..."

The latest paranoia-mongering is connected to the talk of mass compulsory vaccinations against H1N1 virus. A street protest claimed the first to be innoculated against the flu would be pregnant women, native Indians and children in an obvious conspiracy to wipe out the detritus of society. "Genocide," the protesters call it.

Right - an attempt to prevent people from catching a disease is obviously genocide.

I'd love to hear people who throw words like that around try to explain their definition to the Jews, Armenians and Tutsis.

On the other hand, I have serious problems with a mass effort to inject something into people against their will - but I wouldn't want to be part of the conspiracy theory going on there. I'd be more likely to consider whether something like this spoken if in the end times prophecies. But more to the point, by His stripes I am healed and by His Blood, I'm protected from H1N1 - just as I've been protected from any of the communicable diseases on the DTES (praise Him!)

And that's something we should all remember.

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